Earlier this month, electronics firm Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc caused uproar in China with a wave of layoffs. 本月初,电子产品厂商摩托罗拉移动技术控股有限公司大规模裁员事件在中国一石激起千层浪。
It has used the patents to fight back against suits Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. ( MMI) filed against it in Miami and Germany. 对于摩托罗拉移动股份有限公司(MotorolaMobilityHoldingsInc)在美国迈阿密和德国状告苹果公司的案子,苹果公司也用专利权进行了反击。
As a leading global company in electronic manufacturing, Motorola Inc obligate for providing environmental preferred products. 作为世界最大的电子制造商之一,摩托罗拉公司一直致力于环境友好型电子产品的研发。
Green Manufacturing at Motorola Inc& LCA Introduction 绿色制造在摩托罗拉&生命周期评价介绍